Collabora Online
Collabora Online in ViOffice
ViOffice is an online hosting partner of Collabora Ltd. Collabora is a global company based in Cambridge, England, specializing in the provision, development and consultancy of open source software for professional needs.
With the world’s largest team of developers, they are significantly involved in the further development and support of the Free software office suite LibreOffice. Collabora Online is seamlessly integrated into ViOffice, more precisely into the ViOffice Cloud.
Thus, Collabora is already integrated and available for every ViOffice Core account, optionally also available for our customized cloud offerings or as a standalone service.
Collabora Online – Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations
Collabora Online is seamlessly integrated into ViOffice, more precisely into the ViOffice Cloud. New documents (text documents, spreadsheets & presentations) can either be created directly in the ViOffice Cloud or uploaded in all common formats and easily viewed or revised online.
However, the integration of Collabora Online in ViOffice does not end in the ViOffice Cloud. Chat (“ViOffice Talk”) is also available within a document on demand. Thus, not only can comments be added by others, but a chat room or even a small group video conference can be opened for a constructive conversation on the content or design of the document.
All changes made to documents online are automatically saved in the document and older versions are automatically archived. The documents can be edited by any number of people at the same time (collaboratively), regardless of whether they have a ViOffice account or not! All you have to do is share the document with the group of people you have specified.
Whether for the home office, the university or private applications, the use of Collabora Online in ViOffice is as simple as it is useful in every respect. Collabora Online is not only implemented for our single accounts in the subscription model, but also in our hosted on-premise and off-premise services.
ViOffice & Collabora Online
Eine sustainable Partnership.